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new pet gobi info

kangshinokami | Rabu, Mei 09, 2012 | 2coemntar kalian

Lv 1 | Wind Tag: Za
Description: Basic Wind Attack. Bleed Enemy 2% (1 turn)

Lv 5 | Lightning Tag: Tsubaki
Description: Lightning which induces blindness to enemy. Reduce enemy's accuracy by 10% (2 turns)

Lv 10 | Fire Tag: Yakigari
Description: Burn to reduce enemy's 1% HP (4 turns)

Lv 15 | Earth Tag: Jin
Description: Protect master from all attacks Guard (2 turns)

Lv 20 | Water Tag: Yen |
Description: Suffocate and dizzy enemy with water ball Stun (1 turn)

Lv 30 | Secret: Five Tag Genkai Create |
Description: Attack all enemies with different elements. creating massive damage (AOE)

My personal opinion about the new pet:
Pet is good. Specially Pet's Skills' Cooldown is very less. However I got to say: 'Devs -> You are one Greedy Bastard" I mean it should have been free with any tokens package you buy. But Now you have to buy 4K Tokens (40$) and use them all to buy one pet. In case of other pets we could claim them free plus we get to keep the tokens we bought. This time we have to burn them for Pet :p
This is why I rate the Pet 6.5/10

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